Create and track your property your way

Asset Tracking is usually an afterthought, and maybe it should stay that way. With ProperDB just add some records, include any receipts, photos, or metadata you'd like. A QR code is generated for that item that you can print onto one of the provided templates from popular paper vendors. Attach the sticker to your item, and get on to more important things

How it works

Make light work of audits. You can track assets by category and location. You are able to record cost, notes, and attach photos and receipts to each asset.

A light weight mobile friendly web app allows you to go on the road and collect your data. Don't have time to hit the road? Invite other users to collect that data for you. And turn off permissions when they are done

Need to generate reports? ProperDB allows you to download your records for viewing in spreadsheets

Even when your equipment gets forgotten in storage for years, the QR code, scannable on any mobile device, will instantly bring it up in the app. And because you can print the QR codes on any paper with any standard printer, you can even print the codes on waterproof paper for everlasting durability

Ready to start?

Contact our team for a free trial